Scream (2022) is the first installment of the franchise to hit theaters since Scream 4 debuted in 2011. Since then, there was a TV adaptation on MTV, Scream: The Series. Scream has always been a meta-slasher film franchise. This means the characters are aware of the common horror tropes and try to follow the “rules” of horror to survive.
Scream (2022) sets up its own new set of “rules” to survive this “requel”. A requel is a new sequel that utilizes legacy characters from previous entries in the series based around the original plot of the first movie. Most of the characters follow the rules pretty well at first. For example, the jock character refuses to leave the rest of the party to sleep with his girlfriend upstairs, as opposed to deliberately breaking the rules.
Ghostface is at the heart of this franchise. His preferred method of killing always starts with calling his victim. He then asks about their favorite scary movie and barges in with a knife. He has always been a modern killer. In this adaptation his use of technology is upgraded. He uses video streaming to throw off his victims, and even hacks into an alarm system.
Another thing that makes this movie and franchise great is the laughable moments. Unlike Halloween, Scream has always made fun of themselves and included comical scenes. Some of the best, are when the victim fights back and Ghostface gets knocked out or something falls on him.
Scream: Legacy
This movie in particular has lots of callbacks to the original. In the third act, the main characters are at a party in the same house as Stu, one of the original Ghostface killers. Horror expert Randy Meeks’ niece watches the original ‘Stab’ AKA Scream and watches her uncle almost die.
The main protagonist of Scream (2022) is Sam, the daughter of original Scream killer Billy Loomis. She is on anti-psychotics to help her cope with the visions of her dead father. But in the end, these visions help give Sam strength and she eventually realizes she won’t become like father.
But it seems the references to the original film never end. This adaptation also has two killers, and are pretty much mirroring the exact same scenario. Unfortunately, this leads to even more predictability than the average horror movie already has. And legacy characters, Sidney & Gale are present in the last scenes, advising new final girl Sam to make sure the killer is actually dead. This leads to stabbing and shooting them multiple times.
Scream (2022) Recap
Scream (2022) is exactly what Scream fans have been waiting for. Aside from the disappointing MTV series, the franchise has been absent for eleven years. It brings meta back into the horror genre, the one thing making Scream unique. It also brings another new set of rules for the latest type of horror movie, a “requel”.
The latest installment brings new likable characters, and good callbacks to previous films, even if a little too often. The die hard Scream fan is bound to love this sequel, but if there are more sequels to come hopefully they don’t repeat the same mistakes this film did.
Scream (2022) doesn’t bring anything new to the table other than a more modern cast and setting. But it is entertaining and fun to watch while honoring Wes Craven and his legacy to the horror genre.
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